Pneumatic Butterfly Valve Manufacturers in India
speciality valve is the leading Pneumatic Butterfly Valve Manufacturers in India
description -
Description -
Body material: Cast iron, Ductile iron, Stainless steel (SS316, SS304, CF8), Carbon steel, carbon steel, WCB, WCC, WC6, LCB, LCC, LF2, WC9, Duplex steel (F51, F53, 5A, 6A).
Class: 150-300. PN10 –
Size: 2”-72”.
Connection type: Flanged, Lug type, Wafer type.
Disc: CF8M, SS316L, CF8, Cast iron, Carbon steel, Ductile iron.
Operation: pneumatic actuated.
Configuration of a Pneumatic Actuator:
Torque – 3 – 9000 nm
Operating pressure- 8 Bar
Port Connection-NPT1.4”
Mounting Base-ISO5211
Temperature–20°C – +80°C